roast turkey recipe

Perfect Roast Turkey Recipe – Simple & Delicious!

Welcome to our ultimate guide to making the perfect roast turkey for Thanksgiving or any holiday feast. We understand the pressure of serving a juicy, flavorful turkey that will wow your guests. That’s why we’ve developed a fool-proof recipe that is both simple to follow and absolutely delicious. Say goodbye to dry turkey and hello to a show-stopping centerpiece that will have everyone coming back for seconds!

Key Takeaways:

  • Our roast turkey recipe is easy to make and yields a super juicy and perfectly cooked bird.
  • You don’t need to stress over brining, basting, or expensive equipment.
  • Follow our step-by-step tutorial for a stress-free and delicious Thanksgiving turkey.
  • Remember to let the turkey rest before carving for optimum flavor and juiciness.
  • Pair your roast turkey with classic Thanksgiving sides for a complete holiday feast.

Why You Shouldn’t Stress Over Your Thanksgiving Turkey

The Thanksgiving turkey is often the centerpiece of the meal and can cause stress and insecurities for many cooks. However, with this recipe, you can eliminate the worries and enjoy a fuss-free cooking process. You don’t need to brine or baste the turkey, cook it upside down, or use an expensive roasting pan. This simple method will result in a beautiful and moist turkey that will impress your guests.

Preparing a Thanksgiving feast can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to cooking the perfect turkey. The pressure to deliver a delicious and tender bird can leave even the most seasoned cooks feeling anxious. But fear not, we have the solution that will put your mind at ease.

Our roast turkey recipe is designed to simplify the cooking process without compromising on flavor or tenderness. With just a few key steps and minimal ingredients, you can effortlessly create a Thanksgiving turkey that will wow your family and friends.

Forget the elaborate techniques and complicated recipes. Our approach focuses on the essentials, allowing you to enjoy the holiday with confidence and ease. You’ll be amazed at how stress-free and enjoyable cooking your Thanksgiving turkey can be.

So, put your worries aside and embrace the simplicity of our recipe. It’s time to let go of the unnecessary stress and enjoy a memorable Thanksgiving meal with your loved ones.

Benefits of Our Stress-Free Recipe
No need to brine or baste the turkey
No need to cook the turkey upside down
No need for an expensive roasting pan
Simple method for a beautiful and moist turkey

With our recipe, you can confidently prepare a Thanksgiving turkey that will be the star of your feast. The stress and insecurities will melt away, leaving you with a perfectly cooked bird that your guests will rave about.

Stay tuned for the next section where we’ll share tips for cooking the perfect turkey. It’s time to take your Thanksgiving meal to the next level!

Tips for Cooking the Perfect Turkey

When it comes to preparing a Thanksgiving turkey, it’s important to know the ins and outs of cooking to ensure a delicious and moist bird. Here are some essential tips to help you cook the perfect turkey:

  1. Turkey size: Buy about 1.5 pounds of turkey per person to ensure you have enough for your guests, with some leftovers for sandwiches and meals afterward.
  2. Thawing turkey: Thaw the turkey in the refrigerator, allowing one day of thawing for every 5 pounds of turkey. This slow thawing method will ensure even and safe thawing.
  3. Washing turkey: Contrary to popular belief, do not wash your turkey. Washing can spread bacteria and increase the risk of contamination. Cooking the turkey thoroughly will kill any bacteria present.
  4. Brining turkey: Brining is not necessary for high-quality store-bought turkeys, as they are typically pre-brined. However, if you’re cooking a wild turkey or prefer a brined flavor, you can go ahead and brine your turkey for added juiciness and flavor.
  5. Basting turkey: Basting the turkey during the roasting process is unnecessary and can actually result in a drier bird. The continuous opening of the oven door lets out the heat and affects the overall cooking time.
  6. Cooking stuffing: It is recommended to cook the stuffing separately rather than inside the turkey. This ensures safe and even cooking of both the turkey and stuffing. If you prefer the flavors of a stuffed turkey, you can place aromatics like onion, lemon, and herbs in the cavity.
  7. Using a thermometer: To ensure your turkey is cooked to perfection, use a meat thermometer to test its doneness. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh without touching the bone, and the internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.
  8. Resting the turkey: After removing the turkey from the oven, let it rest for about 20-30 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful turkey.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to cooking a perfect turkey that will have your family and friends coming back for seconds!

How to Prepare the Turkey

Preparing the turkey is an essential step in creating a delicious and flavorful roast. Follow these simple tips to ensure your turkey is seasoned, stuffed, and butter-basted to perfection.

1. Remove the thawed turkey from its packaging, pat it dry with paper towels, and season the cavity with generous amounts of salt and pepper. This will help to enhance the flavor of the meat from the inside out.

2. Stuff the cavity of the turkey with quartered lemon, onion, apple, and a handful of fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage. This aromatic stuffing will infuse the turkey with incredible flavors as it cooks.

3. Tuck the wings of the turkey under its body to secure them and place the turkey on a rack in a roasting pan. This will help to elevate the turkey, allowing hot air to circulate evenly around it for even cooking.

4. Loosen the skin of the turkey by carefully running your fingers between the skin and the meat. This will create pockets for the herb butter to seep into, resulting in a moist and flavorful roast.

5. Prepare an herb butter mixture using softened butter, chopped herbs, and minced garlic. Gently spread this flavorful mixture underneath the loosened skin of the turkey, ensuring that it covers as much surface area as possible.

6. To complete the preparation process, tie the turkey’s legs together with kitchen twine and slather the outside of the turkey with the remaining herb butter. This will help to seal in the juices and add an extra layer of flavor to the crispy skin.

Expert Tip:

“By seasoning, stuffing, and butter-basting your turkey, you’ll create a flavorful and moist roast that will be the star of your Thanksgiving feast.”

Cooking the Turkey

Once you’ve prepared the turkey, it’s time to cook it to perfection. Follow these steps for a deliciously roasted turkey that will be the star of your Thanksgiving feast.

  1. Preheat the oven to the recommended temperature and adjust the rack to the lower third position.
  2. Calculate the cooking time based on the weight of your turkey, following the guidelines provided by reputable sources. Remember to baste the turkey every hour to keep it moist and flavorful.
  3. Tent the turkey with foil once the skin turns golden to prevent overcooking. This helps to maintain the juiciness of the meat.
  4. Use a thermometer to check the turkey’s internal temperature. Insert it into the thickest part of the thigh without touching the bone, aiming for a safe temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) to ensure the turkey is fully cooked.
  5. Once the turkey reaches the optimal temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for at least 30 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a tender and succulent turkey.

By following these steps, you’ll achieve a beautifully roasted turkey with moist meat and a golden, crispy skin that will impress your guests.

Turkey Roasting Time and Temperature Guidelines

Turkey Weight Oven Temperature Roasting Time (Unstuffed) Roasting Time (Stuffed)
8-12 pounds 325°F (163°C) 2.75-3 hours 3-3.5 hours
12-16 pounds 325°F (163°C) 3-3.75 hours 3.5-4.5 hours
16-20 pounds 325°F (163°C) 3.75-4.5 hours 4.5-5.5 hours
20-24 pounds 325°F (163°C) 4.5-5.25 hours 5.5-6.5 hours

Remember, these are general guidelines, and it’s essential to use a thermometer to ensure your turkey is cooked thoroughly regardless of the size.

Saving the Drippings and Making Gravy

Once your delicious roast turkey is cooked to perfection, don’t let those flavorful turkey drippings go to waste! With the drippings, you can easily make a rich and savory turkey gravy that will enhance the flavor of your holiday meal. Here’s how:

  1. Reserve the drippings: After removing the turkey from the roasting pan, carefully pour the drippings into a separate container or fat separator. Set aside the container of drippings to cool and separate.
  2. Scrape up the browned bits: Place the roasting pan on the stovetop over medium heat. Add chicken or turkey broth to the pan and use a wooden spoon to scrape up the flavorful browned bits from the bottom of the pan.
  3. Skim off excess fat: If there is excess fat floating on the surface of the drippings, you can skim it off with a spoon or use a fat separator to separate the fat from the drippings.
  4. Thicken the gravy: In a separate bowl, create a cornstarch slurry by combining cornstarch with a small amount of cold water. Whisk the slurry into the simmering drippings and continue to cook until the gravy thickens to your desired consistency.
  5. Season to taste: Taste the gravy and season with salt, pepper, or any additional herbs or spices that you prefer. Adjust the seasoning to your liking, and keep in mind that the drippings already contain some saltiness from the roasted turkey.

Voila! Your homemade turkey gravy is ready to be poured over slices of juicy roast turkey, mashed potatoes, and other Thanksgiving delights. It’s the perfect finishing touch to complete your holiday feast.

Recipe Ingredients and Equipment

Preparing the perfect roast turkey requires a combination of delicious ingredients and essential equipment. Here’s what you’ll need for this mouthwatering recipe:


  • A turkey
  • Onion
  • Lemon
  • Apple
  • Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Chicken broth
  • Cornstarch


  • A roasting pan
  • A rack
  • A basting brush
  • A thermometer
  • A cutting board for carving

With these ingredients and equipment on hand, you’ll be ready to create a showstopping roast turkey that will wow your guests and leave them wanting more.

roast turkey ingredients

Variations and Serving Suggestions

Our roast turkey recipe allows for a variety of delicious variations and creative serving ideas. Whether you want to add a unique twist to the flavors or present the turkey in an eye-catching way, these suggestions will take your Thanksgiving feast to the next level.


  • Herb Variation: Experiment with different herbs to infuse your turkey with distinctive flavors. Consider using rosemary, thyme, sage, or a combination of them to create a savory and aromatic profile.
  • Spice Variation: Add some heat and depth to your roast turkey by incorporating spices like paprika, cumin, or chili powder into the herb butter mixture. It will give your turkey a unique and exciting flavor profile.

Note: Adjust the amount of herbs and spices according to your taste preferences.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving your roast turkey, traditional Thanksgiving sides are always a hit. Here are some classic accompaniments that pair beautifully with the succulent flavors of the turkey:

  • Mashed Potatoes: Creamy, buttery mashed potatoes are a must-have side dish that complements the turkey perfectly.
  • Stuffing: Prepare a delicious stuffing loaded with flavors like sage, onions, celery, and dried fruits to enhance the overall taste of your Thanksgiving feast.
  • Cranberry Sauce: The tart and sweet flavors of cranberry sauce provide a delightful contrast to the richness of the roast turkey.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Roast a medley of seasonal vegetables, such as carrots, Brussels sprouts, and butternut squash, to add color, texture, and a touch of sweetness to your plate.

If you’re looking to create a visually stunning presentation, consider serving the turkey whole and carving it table-side. This not only adds a touch of elegance but also allows your guests to witness the beauty of the perfectly cooked turkey before enjoying their delicious portions.

Now that you have some exciting variations and serving suggestions, feel free to let your creativity shine and personalize your Thanksgiving feast with your own unique twists.


This roast turkey recipe is the ultimate solution for a stress-free and delicious Thanksgiving meal. Follow our simple steps and tips for a perfectly cooked turkey that will impress your guests. Whether it’s your first time cooking a turkey or you’re looking for a new recipe to try, this roast turkey is sure to become a favorite.

With our fool-proof method, you can eliminate the worries and enjoy a fuss-free cooking process. No need for brining, basting, or expensive roasting pans. Our simple recipe yields a gorgeous, super juicy, and perfectly cooked turkey that will exceed expectations as the centerpiece of your holiday feast.

So, gather your ingredients, prepare the turkey, and let it roast to golden perfection. Don’t forget to save the drippings for a delicious homemade gravy. With this roast turkey recipe, you can confidently create a memorable and satisfying Thanksgiving meal. Happy cooking, and enjoy your holiday feast!


Do I need to brine the turkey?

Brining is unnecessary for high-quality store-bought turkeys but recommended for wild turkeys.

Should I wash the turkey before cooking?

No, it is not recommended to wash the turkey to avoid contamination.

Do I need to baste the turkey while cooking?

Basting is unnecessary and can result in a dry turkey.

Can I cook the stuffing inside the turkey?

No, it is recommended to cook the stuffing separately to ensure safe and even cooking.

How do I check if the turkey is done?

Use a thermometer to test the turkey’s internal temperature, aiming for 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

How long should the turkey rest before carving?

Let the turkey rest for a few minutes before carving to allow the juices to redistribute.

How do I save the drippings from the roasting pan?

Reserve the drippings from the roasting pan to make turkey gravy.

How do I make turkey gravy?

Simmer the turkey drippings with chicken or turkey broth, scrape up the browned bits, skim off any excess fat, thicken with a cornstarch slurry, and season to taste.

What ingredients do I need for the roast turkey recipe?

The recipe requires a turkey, onion, lemon, apple, fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage, butter, salt, pepper, garlic, chicken broth, and cornstarch.

What equipment do I need for the roast turkey?

You will need a roasting pan, rack, basting brush, thermometer, and cutting board for carving.

Can I customize the roast turkey recipe?

Yes, you can customize the recipe by using different herbs or adding spices to the herb butter.

What are some serving suggestions for the roast turkey?

Serve the roast turkey with traditional Thanksgiving sides like mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and roasted vegetables. Consider trying different serving methods like presenting the turkey whole and carving it table-side.

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