Homemade pizza dough recipe without yeast

Easy No-Yeast Pizza Dough Recipe at Home

Making homemade pizza dough without yeast is quick and easy. This recipe eliminates the need for yeast by using baking powder as the raising agent. It only takes 15 minutes to prepare the dough, and it’s perfect for a delicious homemade pizza. You can also make it gluten-free by using a cauliflower pizza recipe.

Key Takeaways:

  • Create delicious homemade pizza without the need for yeast.
  • Use baking powder as a substitute raising agent.
  • Prepare the dough in just 15 minutes.
  • Experiment with gluten-free options using a cauliflower pizza recipe.
  • Enjoy the convenience and flavor of homemade pizza with this yeast-free dough recipe.

Why is My Pizza Dough Very Sticky?

If your no-yeast pizza dough is sticky, there’s no need to fret. You can easily resolve this issue by adding more flour to the dough. By gradually incorporating 1 tablespoon of flour at a time, you can achieve the desired consistency where the dough no longer sticks to your hands or the surface.

It’s important to be cautious and avoid adding too much flour, as this can make the dough stiff and affect its texture. The goal is to strike a balance where the dough remains soft, fluffy, and easy to work with.

Adding flour gradually allows you to control the dough’s consistency, making it easier to achieve the desired texture. Remember to knead the dough well after each flour addition to evenly distribute it throughout the mixture.

Sticky pizza dough can be a result of various factors, such as the humidity in the environment or the type of flour used. Adjusting the flour content helps counteract these factors and provides you with a dough that is easier to handle and shape.

Also, keep in mind that the stickiness of the dough may vary depending on the recipe you’re using. Different recipes call for varying amounts of moisture, which can affect the stickiness of the dough. If you encounter persistent stickiness issues, consider trying a different recipe or adjusting the moisture content accordingly.

Gaining a better understanding of the dough’s behavior allows you to confidently troubleshoot and customize your pizza-making experience. By adding flour gradually, you can transform a sticky pizza dough into a manageable and enjoyable part of creating your homemade pizza.

Why is Yeast-Free Pizza Dough Easier & Faster Than Yeasted Pizza Dough?

When it comes to making homemade pizza dough, traditional yeasted recipes require time and patience. The process typically involves activating the yeast and waiting for the dough to rise before it can be used. However, with yeast-free pizza dough, the game changes. By using baking powder as the leavening agent, there’s no need to wait for proofing or rising time, making it a quicker and easier option for pizza lovers.

Yeast-free pizza dough eliminates the need for proofing, which can take several hours. With baking powder, the dough rises during the baking process, resulting in a lighter and airy texture without the wait. This means you can satisfy your pizza cravings in a fraction of the time, perfect for those moments when you’re short on time or just want a quick and delicious meal.

Not only does yeast-free pizza dough save you time, but it also simplifies the preparation process. There’s no need to worry about activating yeast correctly or ensuring the dough rises properly. With just a few simple ingredients and straightforward instructions, you can whip up a batch of yeast-free pizza dough in no time.

So if you’re looking for a convenient and time-saving option for homemade pizza, give yeast-free pizza dough a try. It’s a hassle-free alternative that delivers on flavor and convenience.

How to Store No-Yeast Pizza Dough

Properly storing your no-yeast pizza dough is essential to maintain its freshness and quality. Whether you have leftover dough or want to prep ahead of time, here are some tips for storing your homemade pizza dough:

Storing Raw Dough

When storing raw no-yeast pizza dough, it’s important to prevent air from reaching it to maintain its texture and prevent any unwanted changes in flavor. Here are two effective methods:

  1. Airtight Container: Place your dough in an airtight container to keep it fresh. Make sure the container is large enough to accommodate the dough without squishing it. Seal the container tightly to prevent any air from getting in.
  2. Plastic Wrap: Alternatively, you can wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap. Start by shaping the dough into a ball, then wrap it securely to prevent any air exposure.

Regardless of the method you choose, store the raw dough in the refrigerator.

Storage Duration

The no-yeast pizza dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. This allows you to prepare the dough in advance and have it ready for a quick and delicious pizza whenever you desire.

Storing Baked Pizza

If you have already baked your pizza, you can store the leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

storing pizza dough

By storing your no-yeast pizza dough properly, you can enjoy its fresh taste and convenience whenever you’re ready to make a homemade pizza. Whether you’re prepping ahead, reducing food waste, or simply craving a quick meal, proper storage ensures that your dough remains in optimal condition.

Tips and Tricks to Making No-Yeast Pizza Dough

Enhance your yeast-free pizza dough experience with these helpful tips and tricks. From freezing the dough to adding herbs for extra flavor, these techniques will take your homemade pizza to the next level.

1. Freezing Pizza Dough

One of the best things about yeast-free pizza dough is its convenience. You can prepare a batch of dough and freeze it for later use. Simply roll out the pizza dough into desired thickness, add your favorite toppings, and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Place the wrapped dough in a freezer bag and store it in the freezer. When you’re ready to make pizza, thaw the dough in the refrigerator overnight. This allows you to enjoy fresh, homemade pizza whenever you want without the time-consuming process of making dough from scratch.

2. Adding Herbs to Dough

Why settle for plain pizza dough when you can add a burst of flavor with herbs? Experiment with adding dry fresh herbs to the dough for a delightful twist. Some popular herbs to consider include oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary. Simply mix the herbs into the dough during the kneading process. Not only will this infuse your dough with delicious flavors, but it will also give your pizza a restaurant-quality taste.

3. Size Variations

No-yeast pizza dough offers flexibility in choosing the size of your pizza. You can make one large 12-inch pizza for sharing or divide the dough into two smaller pieces to make 8-inch individual pizzas. This allows you to customize pizza sizes according to your preference and catering to different appetite sizes.

Pizza Size Servings
12-inch 2-4
8-inch 1-2

With these tips and tricks, you can elevate your yeast-free pizza dough to new heights. Freezing the dough ensures you never go without pizza, while adding herbs infuses your crust with an irresistible aroma. And with the option to customize the size of your pizza, you can cater to different serving sizes and preferences. Get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the delicious results!

Need a Pizza Sauce Recipe?

If you’re looking for a delicious homemade pizza sauce recipe to accompany your yeast-free pizza dough, we’ve got you covered. Try our 5-minute pizza sauce recipe, which is quick and easy to make. It adds a burst of flavor and moisture to your homemade pizza, making it even more satisfying.

Our 5-minute pizza sauce recipe is perfect for those times when you don’t have store-bought sauce on hand or prefer the fresh taste of homemade sauce. It requires simple ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry.


  • 1 can (14 ounces) crushed tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


  1. In a small bowl, combine the crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, dried oregano, dried basil, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black pepper.
  2. Stir well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  3. Taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings according to your preferences.
  4. Use the sauce immediately or refrigerate it in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Our 5-minute pizza sauce recipe is versatile and can be customized to suit your taste. Feel free to add extra spices or herbs for a more robust flavor. You can also adjust the thickness of the sauce by adding more or less tomato paste.

With this homemade pizza sauce recipe, you’ll have a quick and delicious sauce that complements your yeast-free pizza dough perfectly. Enjoy the flavors of homemade pizza right in your own kitchen!

Make LOTS of Pizza

With this yeast-free pizza dough recipe, you can make as many pizzas as you want. It’s a great option for feeding a large family or hosting a pizza party. The dough is versatile and easy to work with, allowing you to create a variety of toppings and flavors.

When it comes to making pizza for a big group, having a dough recipe that can yield multiple pizzas is a game-changer. Whether you’re hosting a family gathering or a pizza night with friends, this yeast-free pizza dough has got you covered. You can easily double or triple the recipe to make as many pizzas as you need.

Create Your Pizza Station

Preparing to make multiple pizzas requires a well-organized pizza station. Here are a few tips to help you set up:

  1. Pre-measure and prepare all the toppings and sauces in advance.
  2. Divide the dough into individual portions, each sufficient for one pizza.
  3. Spread out the toppings, sauces, and cheese to make them easily accessible for everyone.
  4. Set up a few different stations for assembling pizzas to avoid congestion.

By organizing your pizza station, you’ll be able to streamline the pizza-making process and ensure that everyone gets their desired toppings without any delays.

Get Creative with Toppings

Making multiple pizzas allows you to cater to everyone’s tastes and preferences. You can experiment with a variety of toppings and create a pizza buffet to satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Classic Margherita with fresh basil and buffalo mozzarella
  • Spicy Pepperoni with extra cheese for the meat lovers
  • Veggie Delight with colorful bell peppers, mushrooms, and olives
  • Hawaiian Paradise with ham, pineapple, and a burst of tropical flavors

Feel free to mix and match toppings, get creative with flavor combinations, and let everyone customize their own personal pizza masterpiece.

“With this yeast-free pizza dough recipe, you can make as many pizzas as you want. It’s a great option for feeding a large family or hosting a pizza party.”

Having lots of pizza not only ensures that everyone gets enough to eat but also brings a fun and interactive element to your mealtime. Let everyone join in the pizza-making process, from rolling out the dough to adding their favorite toppings. It’s an enjoyable way to spend time together and create lasting memories.

Prep Time and Cook Time

The preparation time for this no-yeast pizza dough is only 15 minutes. It takes an additional 15 minutes to cook the pizza in the oven. This means you can have a homemade pizza ready to enjoy in just 30 minutes. It’s a quick and convenient option for a tasty meal.

Whether you’re craving a weeknight dinner or planning a pizza party, this yeast-free pizza dough recipe is a time-saving solution that doesn’t compromise on flavor. With just 15 minutes of prep time, you can whip up the dough and have it ready to bake in no time. The minimal preparation allows you to enjoy a freshly made pizza without the lengthy wait for yeast to activate and the dough to rise.

pizza dough

Once your dough is prepared, it’s time to cook your pizza. With only 15 minutes in the oven, your mouthwatering creation will be ready to serve in a flash. The combination of the crisp crust, gooey cheese, and flavorful toppings make for a truly satisfying meal.

“The short preparation and cooking time of this yeast-free pizza dough recipe make it a great option for busy individuals or families who want a quick and delicious homemade pizza.”– Pizza enthusiast

Whether you’re a beginner in the kitchen or an experienced cook, this quick and convenient yeast-free pizza dough will become a staple in your recipe collection. Say goodbye to waiting hours for your dough to rise and hello to a flavorful homemade pizza in just 30 minutes.

No-Yeast Pizza Dough Recipe Ingredients

When it comes to making delicious yeast-free pizza dough at home, having the right ingredients is key. Here are the essential components you’ll need:

  1. All-Purpose Flour: This versatile ingredient forms the base of the dough, providing structure and texture.
  2. Baking Powder: Unlike traditional yeast, baking powder helps the dough rise by producing carbon dioxide when combined with water.
  3. Salt: Enhancing the flavor of the dough, salt also helps to control the fermentation process.
  4. Water: In addition to binding the other ingredients together, water activates the baking powder, resulting in a light and fluffy dough.
  5. Olive Oil: Adding richness and moisture to the dough, olive oil contributes to its overall flavor.

These basic pantry staples are easily found in most kitchens and can be affordable options for making homemade pizza dough without yeast. Now that you know the essential ingredients, let’s explore the step-by-step process of creating this flavorful no-yeast pizza dough.

How to Make No-Yeast Pizza Dough

Making no-yeast pizza dough is a simple process that anyone can master. Follow these steps to create a delicious yeast-free pizza crust:

Mixing the Dry Ingredients

Start by gathering the dry ingredients for your pizza dough. In a mixing bowl, combine all-purpose flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Use a whisk or fork to ensure that the ingredients are well combined.

Adding the Wet Ingredients

Next, it’s time to add the wet ingredients to your dough. Gradually pour water and olive oil into the dry ingredients while stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula. Continue to mix until a soft dough forms.

Kneading the Dough

Once the dough comes together, transfer it onto a floured surface. Begin kneading the dough by pushing it away from you with the palm of your hand and then folding it back onto itself. Repeat this process for about 3 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a food processor fitted with a dough blade for quicker and easier kneading.

Remember, the key to a good pizza dough is not to over-knead it. Stop kneading once the dough feels smooth and elastic.

After kneading, place the dough into a lightly greased bowl and cover it with a damp cloth. Allow it to rest for about 10 minutes before rolling it out and adding your favorite toppings.

Now that you know the steps for making yeast-free pizza dough, you can enjoy a homemade pizza without the need for yeast or long proofing times. Let your creativity shine through with different toppings and sauces for a personalized pizza experience.

Once you try this convenient no-yeast pizza dough recipe, you’ll never go back to traditional yeast-based dough. The simplicity and speed of preparation make it a go-to option for pizza lovers.

Continue to Section 11 to discover the flavor and texture of this delicious yeast-free pizza dough.

No-Yeast Pizza Dough – Flavor and Texture

Despite not using yeast, this no-yeast pizza dough delivers great flavor and texture. The crust is flavorful and tender, with a slight chewiness similar to traditional yeast-based pizza dough. While it may not have the same puffy and bubbly edges as yeast-based dough, it is still a satisfying and delicious alternative.

When it comes to the taste and texture of yeast-free pizza dough, there are a few key differences compared to dough made with yeast. The absence of yeast means that the dough won’t have the same level of “yeasty” flavor that is characteristic of traditional pizza crusts. However, this doesn’t mean that the flavor of yeast-free dough is lacking. The combination of all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, water, and olive oil still results in a flavorful base for your favorite toppings.

In terms of texture, yeast-free pizza dough produces a crust that is slightly denser and chewier than its yeast-based counterpart. The baking powder used in the dough helps create a rise, but it won’t yield the airy, pillowy texture that yeast provides. Instead, you can expect a crust that is sturdy yet tender, with a satisfying chewiness.

While yeast-free pizza dough may not have the exact same taste and texture as dough made with yeast, it offers its own unique qualities that many pizza lovers enjoy. The chewy crust provides a delightful contrast to the toppings and gives each bite a satisfying bite.

Whether you prefer yeast-free pizza dough or traditional yeast-based dough, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some people enjoy the slightly dense and chewy texture of yeast-free dough, while others prefer the lighter and airier crust that yeast provides. Give both options a try and see which one you prefer!

Yeast-Free Pizza Dough Yeast Pizza Dough
Flavorful and tender crust Flavorful and slightly yeasty crust
Slightly chewier texture Lighter and airier texture
No need to wait for dough to rise Requires time for dough to rise
Quick and easy to make Requires proofing time for yeast activation


Concluding our exploration of yeast-free pizza dough, it’s clear that this alternative is a game-changer for homemade pizza enthusiasts. With this quick and easy recipe, you can have a delicious homemade pizza on the table in just 30 minutes. No longer do you have to wait for yeast to activate or dough to rise – simply mix your ingredients, roll out the dough, and add your favorite toppings.

By eliminating the need for yeast, this recipe offers convenience without compromising on flavor or texture. The resulting crust is flavorful, tender, and slightly chewy, reminiscent of traditional yeast-based pizza dough. While it may lack the airy and bubbly edges of yeasted dough, it still delivers a satisfying and tasty homemade pizza experience.

Whether you’re short on time or simply prefer a yeast-free option, this recipe opens up a world of possibilities for homemade pizza without yeast. So, next time you’re craving pizza, skip the yeast and give this easy yeast-free pizza dough a try. You’ll be rewarded with a delicious and satisfying meal that will leave you coming back for more.


Why is my pizza dough very sticky?

If your no-yeast pizza dough is sticky, you can easily fix it by adding more flour. Incorporate 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until the dough is no longer sticking to your hands or the surface. Be careful not to add too much flour and make the dough stiff, it should still be soft and fluffy.

Why is yeast-free pizza dough easier and faster than yeasted pizza dough?

Traditional yeasted pizza dough requires time for the yeast to activate and the dough to rise. With yeast-free pizza dough, baking powder is used as the raising agent, so there’s no need to wait for the dough to rise. This makes the process much quicker and easier, perfect for those who are short on time.

How do I store no-yeast pizza dough?

You can store your no-yeast pizza dough in an airtight container in the fridge or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. It’s important to prevent air from reaching the dough, as this can change its texture and flavor. The raw dough can be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours, and once baked into a pizza, it can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Any tips and tricks to making no-yeast pizza dough?

Here are some tips to enhance your yeast-free pizza dough experience. You can freeze the raw pizza dough rolled and topped, making it easy to have pizza whenever you want. Experiment with adding dry fresh herbs to the dough for extra flavor. You can also make one large 12-inch pizza or divide the dough into 2 smaller pieces and make 8-inch pizzas.

Do you have a recipe for homemade pizza sauce?

If you need a recipe for homemade pizza sauce, you can try the 5-minute pizza sauce recipe provided. It’s quick and easy to make and pairs perfectly with the yeast-free pizza dough. The sauce adds flavor and moisture to your homemade pizza.

Can I make multiple pizzas with this dough?

With this yeast-free pizza dough recipe, you can make as many pizzas as you want. It’s a great option for feeding a large family or hosting a pizza party. The dough is versatile and easy to work with, allowing you to create a variety of toppings and flavors.

How long does it take to prepare and cook the pizza?

The preparation time for this no-yeast pizza dough is only 15 minutes. It takes an additional 15 minutes to cook the pizza in the oven. This means you can have a homemade pizza ready to enjoy in just 30 minutes. It’s a quick and convenient option for a tasty meal.

What are the ingredients for no-yeast pizza dough?

The ingredients for this no-yeast pizza dough recipe include all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, water, and olive oil. These basic pantry staples are easily accessible and affordable. You can customize the toppings and sauce to suit your preferences.

How do I make no-yeast pizza dough?

Making no-yeast pizza dough is a simple process. You start by mixing the dry ingredients together, then adding the wet ingredients to form a dough. Knead the dough for 3 minutes by hand or use a food processor for even quicker preparation. The dough is then ready to be rolled out and topped with your favorite ingredients.

What is the flavor and texture of no-yeast pizza dough?

Despite not using yeast, this no-yeast pizza dough delivers great flavor and texture. The crust is flavorful and tender, with a slight chewiness similar to traditional yeast-based pizza dough. While it may not have the same puffy and bubbly edges as yeast-based dough, it is still a satisfying and delicious alternative.

Can I make homemade pizza without yeast?

Homemade pizza dough without yeast is a fantastic option for those who want to make pizza from scratch but don’t have the time or patience to deal with the traditional yeasted dough. This quick and easy recipe allows you to enjoy delicious homemade pizza in just 30 minutes. So skip the yeast and try this yeast-free pizza dough recipe for a satisfying and flavorful homemade meal.

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