Cream Puffs dessert recipe

Easy Cream Puffs Dessert Recipe Delight

Cream puffs are a beloved and delicious dessert that can be easily made at home. This easy cream puffs dessert recipe is a crowd-pleaser and perfect for any gathering. Whether you’re a cream puff enthusiast or new to making them, this recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. With simple ingredients and step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to create light and airy pastry shells filled with a creamy and decadent filling.

Ingredients for Cream Puff Pastry

The cream puff pastry for this dessert consists of water, butter, all-purpose flour, and eggs. These simple ingredients come together to create a light and crispy pastry that forms the base of the cream puffs. The dough is easy to make and requires no special equipment. With just a few basic pantry staples, you can create the perfect pastry for your cream puffs.

Cream Puff Pastry Ingredients:

Ingredients Quantity
Water 1 cup
Butter 1/2 cup
All-purpose flour 1 cup
Eggs 4

The cream puff dough is made by bringing water and butter to a boil in a saucepan. Once the butter has melted, all-purpose flour is added and stirred until a soft ball of dough is formed. The dough is then transferred to a mixing bowl to cool slightly.

Next, the eggs are added one at a time, beating well after each addition, until the dough becomes smooth and shiny. This step is important to incorporate enough air into the dough for it to puff up when baked.

The finished cream puff dough is then ready to be piped or shaped onto a baking sheet and baked to perfection.

“The cream puff pastry is the foundation of this delightful dessert, providing a light and crispy texture that complements the creamy filling.”

With the cream puff pastry as the main component, you can customize your cream puffs by adding various fillings and toppings to suit your taste. Whether you prefer classic vanilla custard, chocolate mousse, or fruity fillings, the cream puff pastry will provide the perfect vessel for your creations.

Making the Cream Puff Pastry

Making the cream puff pastry is surprisingly easy. Follow these simple steps to create light and airy pastry shells that will perfectly complement the creamy filling of your delicious cream puffs.

  1. Start by boiling water and butter together in a saucepan until the butter melts.
  2. Once the butter has melted, add flour to the mixture and stir until it forms a soft ball of dough.
  3. Transfer the dough to a mixing bowl and allow it to cool slightly.
  4. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, until the dough becomes smooth and shiny.
  5. Spread the dough evenly in a baking pan.
  6. Bake the dough in the preheated oven until it is puffed and golden brown.

Follow these steps carefully to ensure that your cream puff pastry turns out perfectly light and airy, ready to be filled with the creamy goodness that awaits.

“Making cream puff pastry requires precision and attention to detail. The key is to achieve the right consistency and texture at each step of the process. Don’t rush and carefully follow the recipe for the best results.”

Cream Puff Filling

The cream puff filling is the star of this delightful dessert. Made with a combination of cream cheese, milk, and instant pudding mix, it creates a creamy and luscious center for the cream puffs. The cream cheese adds a tangy richness, while the instant pudding mix provides a smooth and velvety texture. Together, they create a perfect balance of flavors and a luxurious mouthfeel.

Once the cream puff pastry crust has cooled, the filling is generously spread over it, ensuring that every bite is filled with creamy goodness. To add an extra layer of indulgence, the cream puffs are topped with a dollop of whipped topping, creating a cloud-like sensation with every bite.

“The cream puff filling is a symphony of flavors and textures, combining the tanginess of cream cheese, the smoothness of instant pudding, and the lightness of whipped topping. It’s a true delight for the taste buds.”

The combination of the creamy filling and the crispy pastry shell is what sets cream puffs apart. When you take a bite, you’ll experience a delightful contrast between the rich and creamy filling and the light and airy crust. It’s a match made in dessert heaven!


The cream puff filling can be easily customized to suit your taste preferences. Here are a few ideas:

  • Flavored Pudding Mix: Experiment with different flavors of instant pudding mix to create unique variations. Try chocolate, caramel, or even pistachio for a twist on the classic filling.
  • Fruit Additions: Fold in some diced strawberries, raspberries, or other fruits into the cream puff filling for a burst of freshness and added texture.
  • Crushed Candy: For a touch of sweetness and crunch, mix in some crushed cookies or candy, like chocolate chips or toffee bits.

Cream Puff Filling Nutrition Facts

Calories Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Protein (g) Sodium (mg) Sugar (g)
120 6 15 2 120 10

Note: The nutritional values are approximate and may vary depending on specific ingredients and portion sizes. Enjoy cream puffs in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Assembling the Easy Cream Puff Dessert

Assembling the Easy Cream Puff Dessert is simple and straightforward. Once the cream puff pastry crust has cooled, the creamy filling is spread over it. The whipped topping is then spread over the filling, creating a fluffy and creamy layer. To add a finishing touch, the dessert is drizzled with chocolate syrup for added sweetness and flavor. The dessert is then chilled in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld together.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to assembling the Easy Cream Puff Dessert:

  1. Start by preparing the cream puff pastry crust according to the recipe provided in Section 2. Once the crust has cooled, it’s ready for assembling.
  2. Take the creamy filling that was prepared in Section 4 and spread it evenly over the cream puff pastry crust. Use a spatula or the back of a spoon to achieve an even layer.
  3. Next, take the whipped topping and spread it generously over the creamy filling. This will create a light and fluffy layer on top of the cream puff dessert.
  4. To enhance the dessert’s flavor and presentation, drizzle chocolate syrup over the whipped topping. You can use a plastic squeeze bottle for easy and precise drizzling.
  5. Once all the layers are in place, it’s time to refrigerate the dessert. Cover it with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container before chilling it in the refrigerator.
  6. Allow the Easy Cream Puff Dessert to chill for a couple of hours or, ideally, overnight. This will give the flavors time to meld together and enhance the overall taste.

Once the dessert has chilled, it’s ready to be enjoyed. The combination of the crispy cream puff pastry, creamy filling, and fluffy whipped topping will surely delight your taste buds. Be sure to savor each bite of this delectable treat.

Tips and Variations for Easy Cream Puff Dessert

Take your Easy Cream Puff Dessert to the next level with these tips and variations:


  • Soften the cream cheese before using it to ensure it blends easily into the filling.
  • For an authentic cream puff flavor, use instant pudding mix labeled as French Vanilla. If unavailable, plain vanilla pudding mix can be used with the addition of a small amount of pure vanilla extract.
  • Get creative with the instant pudding flavors! Cheesecake, White Chocolate, and Coconut Cream are all great options to explore.
  • Look for a plastic squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup for easy drizzling and precise presentation.


“The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating your own unique cream puff desserts.”

Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

Variation Description
Fruit-Filled Cream Puffs Add a burst of freshness by filling the cream puffs with fresh berries or sliced bananas. The vibrant colors and juicy flavors will take the dessert to new heights.
Decadent Chocolate Cream Puffs Indulge your chocolate cravings by adding a layer of rich chocolate ganache to the cream puff filling. This heavenly combination will satisfy any chocolate lover.
Nutty Delight Cream Puffs Elevate the flavor profile by incorporating your favorite nuts into the filling. Crushed toasted almonds or walnuts add a delightful crunch and nutty aroma.

Remember, the Easy Cream Puff Dessert is best served chilled for 2 to 4 hours, allowing the flavors to mingle and develop. However, if you can’t resist, it can also be enjoyed after chilling overnight.

cream puff tips image

Cream Puff Dessert Nutritional Facts

The nutritional content of the Cream Puff Dessert may vary slightly depending on the specific ingredients used, but here is a general overview:

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories Approximately 364 calories
Fat Approximately 19g
Carbohydrates Approximately 39g
Protein Approximately 7g
Sodium Approximately 353mg
Sugar Approximately 28g

These values are estimates and may vary depending on portion size and specific ingredient brands used.

Other Cream Puff Dessert Recipes

If you enjoyed this Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe, you may also be interested in trying other cream puff dessert variations. Expand your culinary repertoire and let your creativity shine with these delightful cream puff dessert ideas:

Berry Burst Cream Puffs

Elevate your cream puffs by adding a burst of fresh berries. Fill the pastry shells with a combination of whipped cream and your favorite berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The vibrant colors and juicy flavors will take your cream puffs to the next level of deliciousness. Serve them as a delightful summer treat or a refreshing dessert for any occasion.

Banana Cream Puffs

For a tropical twist, create banana cream puffs. Slice ripe bananas and layer them inside the pastry shells. Fill the rest of the shell with a smooth and creamy banana-flavored custard. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and finish with a sprinkle of grated chocolate or caramel sauce for an indulgent treat. These banana cream puffs are sure to transport your taste buds to a delightful island paradise.

Decadent Chocolate Cream Puffs

If you’re a chocolate lover, indulge in decadent chocolate cream puffs. Fill the pastry shells with a rich and velvety chocolate mousse or ganache. The intense chocolate flavor combined with the light and airy texture of the cream puffs will create a heavenly dessert experience. Dust them with cocoa powder or drizzle with chocolate sauce for an extra touch of chocolatey goodness.

Caramel Crunch Cream Puffs

Add a delightful crunch to your cream puffs with a caramel twist. Fill the shells with a creamy caramel-flavored custard and top with a sprinkling of crushed caramel candies or toasted nuts, such as pecans or almonds. The combination of the smooth caramel filling and the crispy texture will create a sensational taste experience that will satisfy your cravings for something sweet and crunchy.

Strawberry Cheesecake Cream Puffs

Take your cream puffs to a new level of indulgence with a strawberry cheesecake twist. Fill the pastry shells with a luscious strawberry-flavored cheesecake filling. Top with a fresh strawberry slice and a drizzle of strawberry sauce. The creamy cheesecake filling paired with the delicate pastry shell and the burst of strawberry flavor will result in a creamy, fruity, and decadent dessert.

Cream Puff Dessert Variations

Variation Ingredients Instructions
Berry Burst Cream Puffs Whipped cream, fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) 1. Prepare pastry shells according to the Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe.
2. Whip cream until stiff peaks form.
3. Slice berries and fold them into the whipped cream.
4. Fill each pastry shell with the berry and cream mixture. Enjoy!
Banana Cream Puffs Ripe bananas, banana-flavored custard, whipped cream, grated chocolate or caramel sauce 1. Prepare pastry shells according to the Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe.
2. Slice bananas and layer them inside the pastry shells.
3. Fill the rest of the shell with banana-flavored custard.
4. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate or drizzle with caramel sauce.
Decadent Chocolate Cream Puffs Chocolate mousse or ganache, cocoa powder or chocolate sauce 1. Prepare pastry shells according to the Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe.
2. Fill the shells with chocolate mousse or ganache.
3. Dust with cocoa powder or drizzle with chocolate sauce for extra chocolatey goodness.
Caramel Crunch Cream Puffs Caramel-flavored custard, crushed caramel candies or toasted nuts (pecans, almonds) 1. Prepare pastry shells according to the Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe.
2. Fill the shells with caramel-flavored custard.
3. Sprinkle crushed caramel candies or toasted nuts on top for a delightful crunch.
Strawberry Cheesecake Cream Puffs Strawberry-flavored cheesecake filling, fresh strawberry slices, strawberry sauce 1. Prepare pastry shells according to the Easy Cream Puff Dessert recipe.
2. Fill the shells with strawberry-flavored cheesecake filling.
3. Top with fresh strawberry slices and a drizzle of strawberry sauce.

With these other cream puff dessert recipes, you can explore a world of flavors and create unique and delicious treats to impress your family and friends. Whether you’re craving a fruity burst, a chocolate delight, or a creamy indulgence, there’s a cream puff variation to satisfy your dessert cravings. Enjoy experimenting and discovering your own mouthwatering combinations!

Cream Puff Dessert Serving Suggestions

The Easy Cream Puff Dessert is a versatile treat that can be enjoyed in various ways. Whether you prefer a standalone dessert or want to incorporate it into a larger spread, there are endless possibilities for serving and presentation. Here are some ideas to inspire your cream puff dessert creations:

Cream Puff Dessert Pairings

  • Coffee: Enjoy your cream puff dessert with a freshly brewed cup of coffee for a delightful combination of flavors.
  • Tea: If you’re a tea lover, pair your cream puff dessert with a fragrant cup of tea for a soothing and indulgent experience.
  • Hot Chocolate: Indulge your sweet tooth by serving your cream puff dessert alongside a steaming mug of rich and creamy hot chocolate.
  • Milk: For a classic and comforting pairing, serve your cream puff dessert with a glass of cold milk.

Garnishing your Cream Puff Dessert

To enhance the visual appeal and add extra flavor to your cream puff dessert, consider garnishing each serving with the following:

  • Fresh Berries: Arrange a few ripe strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries on top of each cream puff for a pop of vibrant color and a burst of fruity freshness.
  • Sprig of Mint: Place a small sprig of mint leaves on top of each cream puff to add a touch of herbal fragrance and a refreshing taste.
  • Powdered Sugar: Dust a light layer of powdered sugar over the cream puffs for an elegant and delicate finishing touch.

Occasions for Cream Puff Dessert

Whether you’re hosting a casual family gathering or a formal dinner party, the Easy Cream Puff Dessert is a versatile choice that can be enjoyed on various occasions, including:

  • Brunch: Serve cream puffs as part of a brunch spread alongside other pastries, fruit platters, and savory dishes.
  • Tea Party: Add a touch of elegance to your afternoon tea party by offering cream puffs to your guests as a dainty and delectable treat.
  • Dinner Party: Impress your guests with a showstopping dessert by serving cream puffs as the grand finale to a delicious meal.
  • Celebrations: Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or holiday gathering, cream puffs are a delightful addition to any celebration.

Get creative and tailor your cream puff dessert servings to suit your personal preferences and the occasion. The possibilities are endless, and your guests are sure to be impressed by the delightful combination of crispy pastry and creamy filling.

Serving Suggestion Description
Coffee Pair your cream puff dessert with a freshly brewed cup of coffee for a delightful combination of flavors.
Tea If you’re a tea lover, pair your cream puff dessert with a fragrant cup of tea for a soothing and indulgent experience.
Hot Chocolate Indulge your sweet tooth by serving your cream puff dessert alongside a steaming mug of rich and creamy hot chocolate.
Milk For a classic and comforting pairing, serve your cream puff dessert with a glass of cold milk.
Fresh Berries Arrange a few ripe strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries on top of each cream puff for a pop of vibrant color and a burst of fruity freshness.
Sprig of Mint Place a small sprig of mint leaves on top of each cream puff to add a touch of herbal fragrance and a refreshing taste.
Powdered Sugar Dust a light layer of powdered sugar over the cream puffs for an elegant and delicate finishing touch.

Cream Puff Dessert Storage Tips

If you have leftovers of the Easy Cream Puff Dessert, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a few days. To ensure the dessert stays fresh and maintains its delightful flavors, follow these storage tips:

  1. Tightly cover the dessert with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out.
  2. Store the dessert in the coldest part of your refrigerator to maintain its texture and taste.
  3. Ensure there are no strong-smelling foods nearby, as the cream puff dessert can absorb odors.

After refrigeration, the crust of the cream puff may soften slightly, but rest assured that the flavors will remain delicious. When serving any leftover portions, you can enhance the dessert by drizzling additional chocolate syrup for a fresh and indulgent touch.

Expert Tip:

For an extra layer of protection, place a sheet of wax paper between the layers of cream puffs if you need to stack them in the storage container. This will help prevent sticking and maintain their shape.

Cream Puff Dessert Storage

Storage Method Duration Best Results
Refrigerator (Plastic wrap) Up to 3 days Retains freshness and flavor
Refrigerator (Airtight container) Up to 3 days Prevents drying out

Cream Puff Dessert Make-Ahead Option

If you’re planning a party or gathering and want to save time, the Easy Cream Puff Dessert is the perfect make-ahead option. By preparing the dessert a day in advance, you can focus on other preparations for your event and ensure that you have a delicious and impressive dessert ready to serve.

Once you’ve assembled the dessert, simply store it in the refrigerator until it’s time to serve. This make-ahead option not only saves you time on the day of your event but also allows the flavors to meld together, resulting in a more delicious and indulgent dessert. When it’s time to enjoy, the dessert will be chilled and ready to delight your guests.

Don’t worry about compromising on taste or quality when making this dessert in advance. The cream puff pastry will maintain its light and crispy texture, while the creamy filling will remain rich and decadent. Your guests will be impressed by your ability to serve a homemade dessert that tastes like it was made fresh!

So go ahead, take advantage of the make-ahead option for the Easy Cream Puff Dessert and enjoy a stress-free and fabulous dessert that will leave everyone asking for the recipe.

Benefits of the Cream Puff Dessert Make-Ahead Option:

  • Saves time on the day of your event
  • Allows flavors to meld together for a more delicious dessert
  • Maintains the quality and taste of the cream puff pastry and filling
  • Impresses guests with a homemade dessert that tastes fresh

With the make-ahead option, you can be a confident host or hostess who effortlessly serves a crowd-pleasing dessert without the last-minute rush. Start planning your party menu today and include the Easy Cream Puff Dessert for a sweet and unforgettable treat.


The Easy Cream Puff Dessert is a delightful and indulgent homemade treat that can be enjoyed by all. Whether you’re making it for a special occasion or just to treat yourself, this recipe is a winner. Its light and crispy cream puff pastry crust, combined with the creamy filling, is sure to satisfy your dessert cravings.

Impress your family and friends with this easy and delicious dessert. The recipe is simple to follow, with step-by-step instructions that guarantee success. You’ll be able to create a show-stopping dessert that will leave everyone wanting more.

So why wait? Give the Easy Cream Puff Dessert a try and experience the joy of biting into a pastry shell that shatters with each bite, revealing a luscious and creamy filling. Bon appétit!


What is a cream puff?

A cream puff is a delicious dessert made with a light and crispy pastry shell filled with a creamy and decadent filling.

How do I make cream puff pastry?

Cream puff pastry is made by boiling water and butter, then adding flour to form a soft dough. Eggs are added one at a time until the dough becomes smooth and shiny. The dough is then baked until puffed and golden brown.

What is the cream puff filling made of?

The cream puff filling is made with cream cheese, milk, and instant pudding mix. The cream cheese adds richness, while the pudding mix provides a smooth and velvety texture.

How do I assemble the Easy Cream Puff Dessert?

Once the cream puff pastry crust has cooled, spread the creamy filling over it. Then, top with whipped topping and drizzle with chocolate syrup. Chill the dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to allow the flavors to meld together.

Do you have any tips or variations for the Easy Cream Puff Dessert?

Yes! Some tips include softening the cream cheese before using it, using different flavors of instant pudding mix, and getting creative with the garnishes. You can also experiment with different flavors and fillings.

What are the nutritional facts of the Cream Puff Dessert?

The nutritional content may vary, but approximately, each serving has about 364 calories, 19g of fat, 39g of carbohydrates, 7g of protein, 353mg of sodium, and 28g of sugar.

Are there other cream puff dessert recipes I can try?

Absolutely! You can try adding fresh fruit, different flavors of instant pudding, or a layer of chocolate ganache to create your own unique cream puff desserts.

What are some serving suggestions for the Cream Puff Dessert?

The dessert pairs well with coffee, tea, or milk. You can garnish each serving with fresh berries, mint, or powdered sugar to elevate the presentation.

How should I store the Cream Puff Dessert?

Store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a few days. Make sure to cover it tightly with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent drying out.

Can I make the Cream Puff Dessert ahead of time?

Yes! The dessert is a great make-ahead option. You can prepare it a day in advance and store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve, allowing the flavors to meld together.

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