coconut soup recipe

Creamy Coconut Soup Recipe | Quick & Tasty

Welcome to our blog where we bring you the best recipes to satisfy your taste buds. Today, we’re excited to share a delicious and easy coconut soup recipe that you can make at home – Creamy Coconut Soup! This homemade coconut soup is packed with rich flavors and offers a creamy and satisfying experience. Whether you’re a fan of coconut soup or looking to try something new, this recipe is perfect for you. Let’s dive in and discover how to make this delightful dish.

Key Takeaways:

  • Create a quick and tasty homemade coconut soup.
  • Enjoy the rich and creamy flavors of this delightful dish.
  • Perfect for coconut soup enthusiasts and those looking for a new recipe.
  • Find comfort in a cozy meal with this easy-to-make soup.
  • Customize the soup with your favorite veggies for added flavor and nutrition.

Ingredients for Creamy Coconut Soup

To make this creamy coconut soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • vegetable oil
  • grated fresh ginger
  • red curry paste
  • minced lemongrass
  • chicken broth
  • fish sauce
  • light brown sugar
  • coconut milk
  • shiitake mushrooms
  • medium shrimp
  • fresh lime juice
  • salt
  • chopped fresh cilantro

“To make this creamy coconut soup, you will need the following ingredients.”

Instructions for Making Creamy Coconut Soup

Follow these simple steps to make your own creamy coconut soup:

  1. Heat oil in a large pot and sauté ginger, curry paste, and lemongrass.
  2. Gradually stir in chicken broth, fish sauce, and brown sugar, then simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Add coconut milk and mushrooms, cooking until mushrooms are soft.
  4. Finally, add shrimp, lime juice, and season with salt.
  5. Garnish with cilantro before serving.

Nutritional Information for Creamy Coconut Soup

This creamy coconut soup is not only delicious but also healthy. It’s the perfect option for a cozy and nutritious meal at home. Let’s take a look at the nutritional breakdown per serving:

Calories Fat Carbohydrates Protein
368 33g 9g 13g

The creamy coconut soup provides a balance of flavors and nutrients, making it a satisfying choice for a wholesome meal. With its distinctive taste and creamy texture, it’s sure to please your taste buds while providing essential macronutrients. Enjoy a bowl of this delicious and healthy coconut soup today!

Why is this Coconut Soup Healthy?

Coconut milk, one of the main ingredients in this soup, offers numerous health benefits. It contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that provide energy and support brain function. Additionally, coconut milk is a good source of essential minerals like potassium and iron, as well as vitamin C. Its creamy texture adds richness to the soup without the need for dairy products.

“This creamy coconut soup is a delightful combination of delicious flavors and healthful ingredients.” – Food Enthusiast

Indulge in a bowl of this delicious and nutritious coconut soup, and experience the perfect balance of taste and healthfulness.

Alternative Recipe for Coconut Curry Soup

If you’re looking to spice things up and try a different variation of coconut soup, we have just the recipe for you. Introducing Thai Coconut Curry Soup, a flavorful and slightly spicy twist on the classic coconut soup. This delicious soup combines the richness of coconut milk with the aromatic flavors of onions, ginger, curry powder, and red pepper flakes. It’s a tantalizing blend of ingredients that will surely excite your taste buds.

To create this delectable dish, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Ingredients Quantity
Onions 1 medium
Ginger (grated) 1 tablespoon
Red pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon
Curry powder 1 tablespoon
Chicken broth 4 cups
Light coconut milk 1 can
Lime juice 2 tablespoons
Leftover grilled tilapia 8 ounces

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, let’s dive into the cooking process. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat.
  2. Sauté the onions and ginger until fragrant and lightly browned.
  3. Add the red pepper flakes and curry powder, stirring for a minute to release their flavors.
  4. Pour in the chicken broth and bring to a gentle boil.
  5. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.
  6. Stir in the coconut milk and lime juice.
  7. Add the leftover grilled tilapia, breaking it into chunks, and simmer for an additional 5 minutes.

“This Thai Coconut Curry Soup is a burst of flavors that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Thailand. The combination of fragrant spices, creamy coconut milk, and tender fish creates a symphony of taste that is both satisfying and comforting. It’s the perfect choice for those who crave a little heat in their soup.”

Once your Thai Coconut Curry Soup is ready, serve it hot and garnish with fresh cilantro. The aromatic herbs will add a refreshing touch to the dish. This soup pairs well with steamed rice or warm naan bread, making it a complete and hearty meal. Enjoy the explosive flavors of this delightful spiced coconut soup!

Customize Your Coconut Soup with Veggies

One of the great things about coconut soup is its versatility. You can customize the recipe by adding your favorite veggies. Options include:

  • Green onions
  • Cilantro
  • Basil
  • Red or green cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Baby kale
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini shreds
  • Bell peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Snap peas
  • Bean sprouts

Feel free to use any combination of these veggies to create a soup that suits your taste preferences.

A Nutritious and Flavorful Combination

By adding these delicious veggies, you not only enhance the nutritional profile of your coconut soup but also elevate its taste. The various flavors and textures of these vegetables complement the creamy coconut base, creating a delightful blend of tastes.

Enhancing Visual Appeal

Adding a variety of colorful vegetables to your coconut soup not only boosts its nutritional value but also enhances its visual appeal. The vibrant colors of the veggies create an inviting and appetizing presentation, making your soup even more satisfying.

Experiment with Your Creations

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your coconut soup! You can mix and match different veggies or even try new combinations to discover unique and delicious flavors. Let your taste buds be your guide and enjoy the endless possibilities that come with customizing your coconut soup.

Nutritional Comparison of Common Veggies

Vegetable Calories Carbohydrates (g) Protein (g) Fiber (g)
Green onions 19 4 1 1
Cilantro 1 0 0 0
Basil 2 0 0 0
Red cabbage 22 5 1 2
Asparagus 20 4 2 2
Baby kale 33 6 3 2
Carrots 41 10 1 3
Zucchini shreds 20 4 1 1
Bell peppers 31 7 1 3
Mushrooms 22 3 3 1
Spinach 23 3 3 2
Broccoli 55 11 4 5
Snap peas 59 11 4 4
Bean sprouts 31 7 2 2

Cooking Tips for Creamy Coconut Soup

When preparing homemade coconut soup, there are a few cooking tips that can take your dish to the next level. By following these recommendations, you can enhance the flavors and personalize the soup to your liking.

  • Sauté the Aromatics: To extract the maximum flavor from the ginger, curry paste, and lemongrass, it’s crucial to sauté them in hot oil. This process helps release their aromatic oils and intensifies their taste, resulting in a more vibrant and fragrant soup.
  • Adjust the Spiciness: The level of spiciness in creamy coconut soup can be easily customized according to your preference. Simply add more or less curry paste to increase or decrease the heat. Experiment with different amounts until you find the perfect balance that suits your taste buds.
  • Seafood and Mushroom Substitutions: While the recipe calls for shrimp and shiitake mushrooms, you can freely substitute them with other seafood or mushroom varieties. Consider using scallops, crab, or even a mix of different types of mushrooms to diversify the flavors and textures. This way, you can create a coconut milk soup that caters to your unique seafood or vegetarian preferences.

With these cooking tips, you can elevate your homemade coconut soup and make it a truly delightful culinary experience. Next, we’ll provide a nutritional breakdown of this creamy and flavorful soup.

Nutrition Facts for Creamy Coconut Soup
Calories 368
Total Fat 33g
Carbohydrates 9g
Protein 13g

Cooking Methods for Coconut Soup

When it comes to making homemade coconut soup, there are two cooking methods you can choose from: simmering on the stove or using a slow cooker. Each method offers its own unique advantages, allowing you to tailor your cooking process to suit your preferences.

Simmering on the Stove

Simmering coconut soup on the stove is a popular and traditional cooking method. This method allows for more control over the cooking process, as you can adjust the heat and monitor the flavors as they develop. It also provides a quicker option, perfect for those times when you want homemade coconut soup on the table in a hurry.

Using a Slow Cooker

If you prefer a hands-off approach and want the flavors of your coconut soup to meld together over a longer period, using a slow cooker is a fantastic choice. The slow cooking process allows the ingredients to simmer and infuse, resulting in a richer and more flavorful soup. Plus, using a slow cooker is incredibly convenient, as you can set it and forget it until your soup is ready.

“Whether you choose to simmer on the stove or use a slow cooker, the end result is a delicious homemade coconut soup that will warm your soul.”

To help you decide which cooking method suits you best, let’s take a look at a comparison table:

Cooking Method Advantages Disadvantages
Simmering on the Stove More control over flavors
Faster cooking time
Requires active monitoring
Slightly less flavorful results
Using a Slow Cooker Hands-off cooking
Richer and more flavorful results
Longer cooking time
Lack of control over flavors

Ultimately, the choice between simmering on the stove or using a slow cooker depends on your personal preferences and the time you have available. Whichever method you choose, rest assured that both will result in a homemade coconut soup that is bursting with flavor.

Benefits of Coconut Milk in Soup

Coconut milk is a key ingredient in coconut soup and offers several health benefits. It is rich in healthy fats, known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which provide energy and support brain function. Coconut milk is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Additionally, it adds a creamy and decadent texture to the soup without the need for dairy.

Health Benefits of Coconut Milk: Nutrient Content per 100g:
MCTs (Medium-Chain Triglycerides) 24g
Potassium 356mg
Iron 2.43mg
Vitamin C 2.4mg

“Coconut milk adds a velvety richness to the coconut soup and provides a creamy texture that is sure to please your taste buds. It’s a fantastic alternative to dairy products and offers a wide range of nutrients that support your overall well-being.” – Dr. Michelle Larson, Nutrition Expert

Serving and Enjoying Coconut Soup

Once your creamy coconut soup is ready, it’s time to serve and enjoy. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with fresh cilantro for an extra burst of flavor. This creamy coconut soup is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy meal at home. Its rich and creamy texture, combined with the delicate flavors of coconut, will surely satisfy your taste buds.

To elevate the taste and make your coconut soup even more enjoyable, you can pair it with a side of white rice or noodles. The combination of the creamy soup and the fluffy rice or the satisfying slurp of the noodles creates a delightful balance of flavors and textures in every spoonful. Whether you prefer the simplicity of rice or the heartiness of noodles, the choice is yours to make.

“The creamy and indulgent flavors of this coconut soup make it a comforting and satisfying meal. Pairing it with rice or noodles adds an extra touch of deliciousness to the overall dining experience.”

For those looking for an extra kick of spice, you can also add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes or a drizzle of hot sauce to your coconut soup. This will add a pleasant heat that complements the creaminess of the soup, creating a perfect balance of flavors. Experiment with different levels of spiciness until you find the one that suits your taste buds.

Finally, gather your loved ones around the table and savor the delightful flavors of this coconut soup together. The warmth and comfort it brings will make every bite a memorable experience. Serve it as a starter or as the main course, and let the delicious aromas fill your home.

creamy coconut soup

Coconut Soup Serving Ideas

Here are some serving ideas to make your coconut soup experience even more enjoyable:

  • Top the soup with a squeeze of fresh lime juice for a tangy twist.
  • For added crunch, sprinkle toasted coconut flakes on top.
  • Add a side of Thai chili sauce for those who enjoy an extra spicy kick.
  • Serve the coconut soup in a bread bowl for a unique and edible presentation.

Experiment with these serving ideas and create an unforgettable dining experience with your creamy coconut soup.

Calories Fat Carbohydrates Protein
368 33g 9g 13g


In conclusion, our easy coconut soup recipe is a flavorful and satisfying option for a cozy meal at home. With its creamy texture and delicious taste, this soup is perfect for soup lovers looking to try something new. Whether you follow the classic recipe or customize it with your favorite veggies, this coconut soup is sure to be a hit.

Try making our homemade coconut soup today and savor the comforting flavors that will transport you to tropical paradise. It’s a quick and fuss-free recipe that can be enjoyed any time of year. Whether you’re looking to warm up during the winter months or craving a light and refreshing meal in the summer, this coconut soup is a versatile choice.

So grab your ingredients, get cooking, and indulge in a bowl of our delicious coconut soup. It’s an easy and satisfying dish that will surely become a favorite in your home. Enjoy the creamy goodness and the delightful combination of flavors that will leave you wanting more.


What are the ingredients for creamy coconut soup?

The ingredients for creamy coconut soup include vegetable oil, grated fresh ginger, red curry paste, minced lemon grass, chicken broth, fish sauce, light brown sugar, coconut milk, shiitake mushrooms, medium shrimp, fresh lime juice, salt, and chopped fresh cilantro. It is a vegetarian-friendly recipe as it does not contain any meat.

How do I make creamy coconut soup?

To make creamy coconut soup, heat oil in a large pot and sauté ginger, curry paste, and lemongrass. Gradually stir in chicken broth, fish sauce, and brown sugar, then simmer for 15 minutes. Add coconut milk and mushrooms, cooking until mushrooms are soft. Finally, add shrimp, lime juice, and season with salt. Garnish with cilantro before serving.

What is the nutritional information for creamy coconut soup?

A serving of creamy coconut soup contains approximately 368 calories, 33g of fat, 9g of carbohydrates, and 13g of protein. It is a flavorful and nutritious option for a cozy meal at home.

Is there an alternative recipe for coconut soup?

Yes, you can try making a Thai coconut curry soup. This variation includes onions, ginger, red pepper flakes, curry powder, chicken broth, light coconut milk, lime juice, and leftover grilled tilapia. It has a slightly spicier flavor and is a great option for those who enjoy a bit of heat in their soup.

Can I customize my coconut soup with veggies?

Absolutely! You can customize your coconut soup by adding your favorite veggies. Options include green onions, cilantro, basil, red or green cabbage, asparagus, baby kale, carrots, zucchini shreds, bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, snap peas, and bean sprouts. Feel free to use any combination of these veggies to create a soup that suits your taste preferences.

What are some cooking tips for creamy coconut soup?

When cooking creamy coconut soup, make sure to sauté the ginger, curry paste, and lemongrass in hot oil to enhance their flavors. You can also adjust the spiciness of the soup by adding more or less curry paste. Additionally, feel free to substitute different types of mushrooms or seafood, such as scallops or crab, for the shrimp in the recipe.

What are the cooking methods for coconut soup?

There are two cooking methods you can choose from when making coconut soup. You can either simmer the soup on the stove or use a slow cooker. Simmering on the stove allows for more control over the cooking process and is a quicker option. However, using a slow cooker allows the flavors to meld together over a longer period, resulting in a richer and more flavorful soup.

What are the benefits of coconut milk in soup?

Coconut milk is a key ingredient in coconut soup and offers several health benefits. It is rich in healthy fats, known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which provide energy and support brain function. Coconut milk is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Additionally, it adds a creamy and decadent texture to the soup without the need for dairy.

How should I serve and enjoy coconut soup?

Once your creamy coconut soup is ready, ladle it into bowls and garnish with fresh cilantro. For added flavor, you can also serve the soup with a side of white rice or noodles. This creamy coconut soup is perfect for a cozy meal at home, and its delicious flavors are sure to satisfy your taste buds.

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